Monday, December 24, 2012

This Beautiful Night

Hushed and silent
Breathing steadily
Outside moonbeams and night cover shadowed rooftops
Surrealism and His truth fill in an evening of thoughts
The mind is free to peruse, the spirit to pray
You can feel the coming winter staggering through the open window to wander about the edge of your sleep

There is something though, so vivid about this night
Pondering, just to put a finger on it, the mind’s eye straining to see
Perspectives become different, changing, cultivating, for His mercies are new every morning
Maybe it is this vast beautiful stillness in the Spirit, the tranquility that drips, saturating the night air

For yesterdays and today are now fading, a narrative passing away.
For whatever is different about this night, I must now turn my thoughts to sleep from this beautiful night

Copyright 2012 Wandering Satellite Publishing

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