Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Child's Heart

Her little smile outshines solar rays abounding
So young and carefree
Playing tag with seagulls on the shore
Kicking up sand with her tiny feet

Tireless in her endeavors
Her giggles of laughter bring her pleasure
In pictorial surroundings
She is one of life’s treasures
I pray for her
Bless this one Lord
For a child’s heart is pure

Copyright 2013 Wandering Satellite Publishing

I Bought A Field

I saw the twilight explode before me
So I bought a field and sat
I gathered in all that I saw

Watching the last gloamings of the day
Taking its last peak at the day’s end
Here I can see everything

Still, I sat
Waiting through the night
Then came the early dawn

She raises the day’s horizon with the sun in tow
Brushing the underbelly of the clouds
With hue and tone

Surely all of this…the fingerprints of a creator are displayed
I begin to wonder about those
Those who do not believe in God

Happenstance belief
Scrutinizing change set right before my sight
How can one not believe?

In my field I sit…I smile, I know
Glories ebbing and flowing before me
Speak and tell

Come... sit with me in my field
Look through my eyes, my lens
And…I will show you something remarkable

Copyright 2013 Wandering Satellite Publishing

Wholly Surrendered

Like the wise men before me
Bearing gifts of myrrh and spices
Brushing aside the veil humbly
Because of the crimson stain, I kneel

Laying before you what is me
A bottle sealed with tears
Of dashed dreams, pains past
Of medals, ribbons with flair
Declaring victories of times of yore

A weathered leathered bound book
Written of my life that is no longer mine
In your presence, you’re Spirit within me
Pull my flesh from my soul
It is I who no longer live but Christ in me

May I see my self righteousness burned like dross
My entire carnal hopes carried away captive
May I then encourage myself in you Jesus
For whom can I turn, you have the Words of Life

For in you I move and have my being
You cause my heart to beat
Coursing blood through my veins
Lungs respire, inhaling and exhaling

This is the consign
To where I want to be established
For here is the furtive place of rest and joy
Not my will, desires or dreams be done
I need yours Oh Sovereign Lord, My Daddy

Copyright 2012 Wandering Satellite Publishing