There is a fountain
His name is Jesus
From Him flows
everlasting life
If any are tired, thirsty,
come and drink
He has prepared for
you a place
Come, sit at His
table, sit and drink
Find your cup
spilling over
With streams of
living water
He who thirsts, is tired
and desires life
Can partake freely
So take His cup in
Come, eat from this Bread
of Life
All who sit here are
unworthy, yet welcome
Come, sit with all
your filth, sin and brokenness
Here there is nothing
to give, to pay
This meal, a new life
awaiting you, is paid in full
All who recline at
this table
Will trade their rags
for robes of righteousness
Never to leave His
Receive freely Jesus’
shed blood on the cross
At this table Love and
Grace flows endlessly forever
Your invitation
awaits you at the table setting
Your name engraved
forever in the Book of Life
Waiting for the
always imperfect ones to sit
A cross and an empty
tomb overshadows this table
In time, at this
You will find
restoration, deliverance, freedom and more
Come sit, Jesus is
waiting for you
Come, I invite you to
the invitation fountain
Copyright 2013 Wandering Satellite Publishing